Individual Psychotherapy

In my 20s my life was changed by having psychotherapy. I hope to offer you an experience in therapy that will have a significant impact on your life.

You may be seeking psychotherapy to have a dedicated space to continue to grow and develop; a space to ponder and reflect on your life. You may be seeking to recover from anxiety, depression, loneliness, addictive behaviours, low self-esteem or unhappiness.

So much of how we inhabit the world has its origins in early relationships and circumstances. The experience of difficult early relationships, of trauma, of oppression can have long lasting effects on your sense of self and your resilience.

If you decide to have individual psychotherapy with me, I will offer you a safe, empathic, reflective space to unpick and examine aspects of your life, past and present, that are causing you pain and together explore ways for you to overcome this and make changes in your life.

I am skilled and experienced at understanding your difficulties and collaboratively agreeing what type of therapy intervention may best meet your needs.

While I primarily work using an attachment-based, psychoanalytic framework, I have undertaken additional training in Compassion Focused Therapy, Mentalisation Based Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, MBCT, DBT, EMDR and incorporate elements of these into my work.